Corns and calluses are areas of thickening, most commonly found on pressure areas of the feet. They can sometimes cause significant pain, discomfort and even difficulty walking. Corns and calluses are caused by repeated friction or pressure to a specific area.
It is most important to have your corns carefully examined by a trained dermatologist as they can look remarkably like viral warts. Treatment of these two similar looking conditions is quite different. Your dermatologist will assess the affected areas with specialised magnifying devices and pare down the area for accurate diagnosis before suggesting the appropriate treatment.
Important principals for the management of corns and calluses would include:
- Choosing comfortable, padded footwear.
- Using protective cushions or insoles for added protection.
- Soaking and paring down the thickened skin regularly.
- Applying medicated ointments to help treat the thickened skin.
- Sometimes referral to an orthopaedic surgeon or podiatrist may be necessary.
- If a wart is discovered, other treatments such a cryotherapy or CO2 laser will be discussed.