We all experience some hair loss and it is normal to have 50-100 strands of hair fall a day. However if you see bald patches, severe hair thinning or a receding hairline, do see your dermatologist early. There are effective treatments available.
Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern hairloss or female pattern hairloss) is the most common type of hair loss. It is due to a combination of genetic or hormonal factors. This results in hair follicles become smaller, finer, and reduced in numbers. Male patients will notice gradual thinning at the top of the head and a receding frontal hairline. Women may notice widening of their hair parting or thinning at the crown.
Alopecia areata can result in round bald patches suddenly appearing on the scalp. The hair loss may even affect facial or body hair in severe cases e.g. loss of eyebrows, eyelashes and armpit hairs.
Factors that influence hair loss include genetic factors, stress, hormonal changes, poor nutrition, infections, certain medications or other medical conditions. Your dermatologist will perform a thorough history and examination, and do the necessary investigations to ascertain the cause.
- Topical treatments, such as minoxidil, may be applied to the scalp to increase hair growth.
- Steroids can be injected into affected areas of the scalp if appropriate.
- Oral tablets, can be prescribed to slow down the hair loss and increase hair growth.
- Contact sensitization therapy involves applying a substance onto the scalp to stimulate the immune system and can increase hair growth.
- Other treatments such as scalp microneedling, Regenera Activa, light therapy and hair transplantation can also be discussed.